Phosphorus-Free Fertilizers
Supporting Science and related materials
Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Loading Report, supporting documents, and
Truckee Meadow Water Authority has information on
soil testing and soil
improvement. You can have your soil tested at the UNR Cooperative Extension at
(775) 784-8484. There is a fee for this service.
Phosphorus Fertilizer Laws: State Legislation and Local
Ordinances limiting phosphorus fertilizers for established lawn/turf
Minnesota became the first
state in the nation to regulate phosphorus fertilizer use on lawns and turf in
Maine restricts the sale of
fertilizer containing phosphorus in 2008 and continues banning cleaning agents
containing phosphates.
Wisconsin passed a state law
in 2009 restricting the use and sale of turf fertilizers containing phosphorus
unless soil test indicates need for phosphorus. Examples of local ordinances
Dane County and
Door County
Michigan in 2010 passed a law
prohibiting phosphorus-containing turf fertilizer. It also bans turf fertilizer
application near surface waters, and on saturated or frozen grounds.
New York passed a law in 2010 banning phosphorus
in lawn fertilizer and in detergents. This
article indicates that up to
50% of phosphorus in stormwater is attributed to fertilizers.
Virginia passed a state law in
2011 prohibiting the sale, distribution and use of phosphorus-containing lawn
maintenance fertilizer and the sale of de-icing agents containing phosphorus,
nitrogen, and urea. Training and technical assistance is provided for fertilizer
applicators and golf courses.
Maryland passed a state law in
2011 prohibiting the sale, distribution and use of phosphorus-containing lawn
maintenance fertilizer and the sale of de-icing agents containing phosphorus,
nitrogen, and urea. Training and technical assistance is provided for fertilizer
applicators and golf courses.
Vermont passed into law in 2011 prohibitions for
phosphorus and nitrogen lawn fertilizers.
Washington State passed a law
in 2011 prohibiting the sale and application of turf fertilizers containing
In New Jersey over 100 towns will
be required to adopt ordinances banning the use of fertilizer containing
phosphorus (scroll to page 12 in link).
Florida Works to Ban Phosphorus. Florida has several county
ordinances that prohibit the use of phosphorus in fertilizers. This is an
article discussing the proposal to make this a State wide initiative.
A healthy and beautiful Lake Tahoe. Photo credit: Toni
Pennington, Tetra Tech